Guinness World Record. Video and photos.

Address: Ukraine, Kyiv, 8 Zoologichna Str.(metro Lukianivska)


The exhibition is open from June to August 2021.
Address: Ukraine, Kyiv, 8 Zoologichna Str., gallery "Globus".
This exhibition presents hundreds of the works of the artists from the different regions of Ukraine.
Time: 10:00-21:00 daily.
Information: tel. +380 44 451-7303, +380 99 045-3094.

Holders of Guinness World Records Art Center Boyko, Gallery "Globus" present Project ¹ 91 the exhibition-sale of painting "Star of Bethlehem".
The exhibition is open from November 2019 to January 2020.
Address: Ukraine, Kyiv, 8 Zoologichna Str., gallery "Globus".
This exhibition presents hundreds of the works of the artists from the different regions of Ukraine.
Time: 10:00-21:00 daily.
Information: tel. +380 44 451-7303, +380 99 045-3094.

Producer Center Boyko Gallery "Globus" presents the collection ¹ 7 "Heritage".
Opening night – June 11, 2015 at 6 p.m.
The Exhibition is open from June 2016 to March, 2019
Gallery "Heritage", Rue du Perron 25, 1204 Geneva, Switzerland. More information »
Catalog of the collection ¹ 7 » Poster. Collection ¹ 7 - Heritage

The acting exhibitions:

  • "Heritage",
    Collection ¹ 7.
    Gallery "Heritage", Rue du Perron 25, 1204 Geneva, Switzerland.
    June, 2015 - March, 2019.


The past exhibitions:

The complete list
of the exhibitions »

We are glad to greet you on the site of our Centre. Your have at your disposal a unique in the Russian-language internet resource where hundred artists and thousand works of the most different genres are presented. It is possible to know a biography of an artist and see his photograph.

Boyko's Producer Centre presents the informative-rating catalogue This resource constantly grows and it is intended for the acquaintance with creative works and biographies of modern artists of Ukraine. Voting of visitors determines rating of artists. To the best artists Producer Centre offers the participation in the exhibitions-projects.

Centre offers to other internet-resources a two-sided exchange by banners. More detailed »

Free and gratis registration of new artists is opened! More detailed »

Grubnik Vladimir 1
500 artworks.
Shenderov Alexander 2
54 artworks.
Guk Andrey 3
380 artworks.
Galimov Valentin 4
9 artworks.
Knish Tatyana 5
75 artworks.
Sokolovsky Oleg 6
206 artworks.
Zabolotskaya Natalya 7
294 artworks.
Kyrychenko Gennadiy 8
170 artworks.
Tarasov Vitaliy 9
70 artworks.
Petrovsky Vitaly 10
132 artworks.
Piven Vladimir 11
312 artworks.
Metelkin Vladislav 12
153 artworks.