He was born on January 5, 1966.
In 1983 he has finished the secondary school № 72 in Kyiv.
During one year he worked at the Аntonov plant as an artist-designer.
1984-1986 - service in Army. Having returned from Army he worked as an artist-designer.
Since 1992 he has been on the Аrt-market. He participated in the Аrt-festival, which was held on June, 2000 in the “Ukrainsky Dim”, also in other projects of Art Producer Centre V. Boyko.
His favourite genres: views of city, landscapes and bible subjects. He takes a great interest in skin diving, east single combats.
Artworks are on permanent exhibition in the gallery "Globus".
Participant of exhibition-collection № 1 "Field bouquet" (Montenegro, Budva).
Participant of exhibition-collection № 2 "Dew"
(Slovakia, Bratislava;
Czeska Republika, Praga).
Awarded by the diploma for the participation in the Exhibition "Blessing" (Project № 40, Berlin).
Awarded by the diploma for the participation in the 6th Art Festival "Blessing" (Project № 40, Magdeburg).
Awarded by the diploma for the participation in the exhibition-collection № 1 "Field bouquet" (Montenegro, Budva).
Awarded by the diploma for the participation in The collection № 2 "Dew" (Slovakia, Bratislava; Czeska Republika, Praga).
Participant of the Project № 62 "Aviart-2012".
Record for Guinness World Records is set!.
Participant of exhibition-collection № 6 "Nature's gentle breath." (Residential Club District "Cherry Town").
Awarded by the diploma for the participation in The collection № 6 "Nature's gentle breath." (Residential Club District "Cherry Town").
Participant of exhibition-collection № 7 "Nature's gentle breath". Gallery "Heritage", Rue du Perron 25, 1204 Geneva, Switzerland.
Awarded by the diploma for the participation in The collection № 7 "Nature's gentle breath". Gallery "Heritage", Rue du Perron 25, 1204 Geneva, Switzerland.