Estimate the artist 12345


Tarasov Vitaliy (previous in rating, 7th position from 759)Artist list in rating orderKyrychenko  Gennadiy (next in rating, 9th position from 759)

Petropavlovskiy Peter (previous in list, 510th position from 759)Artist list in alphabetic orderPetruhin Alexey (next in list, 512th position from 759)

Rating: 8

Pages: 9

Artworks: 132

Best: 8

Artworks are on permanent exhibition in the gallery "Globus".

Participant of exhibition-collection № 2 "Dew"
(Slovakia, Bratislava;
Czeska Republika, Praga).

Participant of exhibition-collection № 5 "To Italy with Whole Heart"
(Italy, Roma; Milano).

Awarded by the diploma for the participation in the Exhibition "Blessing" (Project № 40, Berlin).

Awarded by the diploma for the participation in the 6th Art Festival "Blessing" (Project № 40, Magdeburg).

Awarded by the diploma for the participation in The collection № 2 "Dew" (Slovakia, Bratislava; Czeska Republika, Praga).

Awarded by the diploma for the participation in The collection № 5 "To Italy with Whole Heart" (Art Festival HOBBY SHOW ROMA - Italy, Roma, 14-16 October, 2011; Italy, Milano, 4-6 November, 2011).

Participant of the Project № 62 "Aviart-2012".
Record for Guinness World Records is set!.

Participant of exhibition-collection № 7 "Nature's gentle breath". Gallery "Heritage", Rue du Perron 25, 1204 Geneva, Switzerland.

Awarded by the diploma for the participation in The collection № 7 "Nature's gentle breath". Gallery "Heritage", Rue du Perron 25, 1204 Geneva, Switzerland.

 All  Best  Last Renewal 
Renewal  First renewal (#1)Previous renewal #28 #29    September, 2015. Total of renewals — 29.
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Geneva. Lake
#132, canvas, oil
11.8"x11.8", 2015
#131, canvas, oil
11.8"x15.7", 2015
Geneva. Morning
#130, canvas, oil
11.8"x15.7", 2015
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#129, canvas, oil
15.7"x23.6", 2015
Morning sea
#128, canvas, oil
15.7"x23.6", 2015
Zurich - 1
#127, canvas, oil
11.8"x7.9", 2015
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Zurich - 3
#126, canvas, oil
11.8"x7.9", 2015
Switzerland. Lugano
#125, canvas, oil
11.8"x7.9", 2015
#124, canvas, oil
11.8"x7.9", 2015
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Paris. Boulevard Haussmann
#123, canvas, oil
11.8"x7.9", 2015
Zurich - 2 Borngasse Bahnhofstrasse
#122, canvas, oil
11.8"x7.9", 2015
#121, canvas, oil
11.8"x7.9", 2015
 All  Best  Last Renewal 
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Estimate the artist 12345