Kuzmenko Leonid
Rating: 195
Artworks: 13
Best: 7
Pages: 1
He was born in 1956 in the village Sokirentsy of the Chernigov area.
In 1979 - 1986 he studied in fine arts studio of October Palace of Culture.
In 1983 he studied in private fine arts studio of Victor Zaretsky.
In 1980 - 1986 he studied at Correspondence University of arts (Moscow).
In 1986 - 1988 – in G. Khusida fine arts studio in the Palace of a factory "Bolshevik".
From 1980 to 1986 the personal exhibition of his works in the Palace of a factory "Bolshevik" was conducted.
The works of L. Kuzmenko are in private collections of Ukraine, USA, Canada, France, Germany, Spain.
Winter. Podol.
#13, canvas, oil
23.6"x19.7", 2003
Flowers in a basket
#12, canvas, oil
13.8"x15.7", 2003
#11, canvas, oil
15.7"x13.8", 2003
#10, canvas, oil
15.7"x13.8", 2003
#09, canvas, oil
15.7"x19.7", 2002
Gold autumn
#08, canvas, oil
23.6"x19.7", 2003
Winter in Podol
#07, canvas, oil
11.8"x7.9", 2003
Autumn evening
#06, canvas, oil
13.8"x9.8", 2002
Early spring
#05, canvas, oil
11.8"x9.4", 2002
Autumn in Kontraktova square
#04, canvas, oil
27.6"x19.7", 2002
Kiev-Pechersky Lavra
#03, canvas, oil
19.7"x23.6", 2001
Lavra. Winter
#02, canvas, oil
15.7"x19.7", 2001
Autumn time
#01, canvas, oil
15.7"x11.8", 2001
Estimate the artist