Estimate the artist 12345


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Rating: 284

Artworks: 25

Best: 12

Pages: 2

Andrey was born on June, 24th, 1964 in Sumy region.

When he was 5 he began to draw. His first teachers were his parents and first school teacher – Ms Frosina Olejnik. Thanks to the class teacher Kozjura Grigory and the foreign language teacher and the local artist Valjuha Alexander, Andrey definitively decided to devote his life to the art.

In 1978 he was accepted to the Sumy Regional Children's Art School. Went to study to Sumy under the arrangement on days off and holidays. He learned bases mainly from the principal, artist-teacher Matjuhin Vitaly, the graduate of the Tomsk Art School. Took part in exhibitions.

In March 1981 he started to create. Creative ideas were given by Kozjura Grigory who had a creative thread in his soul which he wished to see in painting through Andrey.

From 1981 to 1982 there were trips and numerous attempts to enter art institutions: the Kiev Art Institute, the Simferopol and Zheleznogorsk Art Schools. Unfortunately unsuccessful. Till October 1982 worked as the art designer in village Sinevka. From October 1982 to 1985 served in the Navy in Severodvinsk, the Arkhangelsk region.

In the autumn 1983, with the permission of unit command, he entered the Moscow Distance Learning Public University of Arts, Faculty of Painting on paid course. Studied 4,5 years at teacher Jusufov Igor. After demobilisation worked as the art designer.

In 1986 opened the first personal exhibition in the Sinevsky Centre of Culture. He brought the second exhibition to Sinevka in May 1999.

In summer 1986 passed 6 entrance exams and has been enlisted on day branch of Zheleznogorsk Art School, Kursk region, Russia. Studied on specialisation of decoration and interior. Teachers: on painting – Egorov Emmanuil; on the academic drawing - Bugaj Victor and other professional teachers. Took part in art exhibitions of School and the city. After three years of study at Zheleznogorsk Art School, with the permission of the School management and support of teachers and the curator, Dorofeyev Sergey ,he tried to enter the Faculty of Painting of the Leningrad Art Institute of I.Repin (Imperial Academy of Arts). Failed -10 persons into place. In July 1990 graduated from the Zheleznogorsk Art School. Returned to Ukraine and worked. Kept in touch with the teachers painters. Was engaged in decorative works in different organisations. Took his art works to Moscow experts. From 1990 to 1992 every month he was representing his art in the city of Sumy.

Since January 1991 till spring of 1992 worked as the artist of miniatures in Sumy at enterprise "Gamma".

In December 1992 Andrey moved with his family to Gadjach, Poltava region. Till 1996 worked in sphere of painting and iconography (villages Big Bagachka, Velbovka, Sosnovka, etc.). Also made a painting of an orthodox iconostasis in Sofia, Bulgaria. From 1996 to 2003 worked as a teacher in the State College of Culture of I.P.Kotljarevskiy (Gadjach) on branch of Arts and Crafts. Taught the academic drawing courses. 3 personal exhibitions. More than 30 of his students have graduated the College and now are studying in the higher art and pedagogical educational institutions of Ukraine.

A lot of works can be found in private collections in Ukraine, Russia, Bulgaria, Germany and other countries.

Since March 2008 he continues to teach in the College of Culture of I.P.Kotljarevskiy in Gadjach.

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#27, canvas, oil
27.2"x33.2", 2004

#26, canvas, oil
26.8"x32.9", 1999

#25, factory canvas, oil, emulsion soil
18.5"x23.2", 2004
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#24, factory canvas, oil, emulsion soil
19.7"x23.2", 2004

#23, canvas, oil, emulsion ground
31.5"x31.5", 1991

#22, canvas, oil, emulsion ground

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#21, canvas, oil, emulsion ground
26.2"x21.3", 1992

#20, canvas, oil, emulsion ground
15.9"x17.8", 2004

#19, canvas, oil, emulsion ground
18.9"x23.6", 2000
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#18, canvas, oil, emulsion ground
19.7"x23.6", 1995

#17, canvas, oil, emulsion ground
21.9"x21.9", 1993

#16, canvas, oil, emulsion ground
35.4"x35.8", 1991
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#15, canvas, oil, emulsion ground
28.0"x39.4", 1991

#14, canvas, oil, emulsion ground
35.4"x35.8", 1991

#13, factory canvas, oil, emulsion soil
50.0"x30.3", 1998
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