Igor Kuharsky was born on October 23, 1976 in Lviv.
The beauty of the ancient city he lived in has formed the aesthetic perception and affected Igor's choice of future profession.
Igor has loved drawing since early school years.
From 1992 till 1996 he studied in Lviv College of Decorative and Applied Arts named after I. Trush, Department of Graphic Design and Artistic works Restoration.
In 2002 he graduated from the Lviv National Academy of Arts, Faculty of Decorative and Applied Arts.
He used to work as an icon painter, interior designer and designer of outdoor advertising.
Now Igor mostly works in the field of easel painting.
His favorite tools are oil paints, canvas, and palette knife.
Since 2000, he has been actively involved in regional, national and international exhibitions of contemporary painting.
His artworks are in private collections in Ukraine, Germany, France, Italy, Switzerland, Canada and many other countries.
Igor travels a lot together with his wife and son.
They learn a lot of history, spiritual and religious traditions, art and culture of different people in the world.
Igor constantly refines and hones his artistic skills.
His unique dynamic texture manner allows him to create original paintings in a variety of themes and genres.
Artworks are on permanent exhibition in the gallery "Globus".

Participant of the Project № 62 "Aviart-2012".
Record for Guinness World Records is set!.
Participant of exhibition-collection № 6 "Nature's gentle breath." (Residential Club District "Cherry Town").
Awarded by the diploma for the participation in The collection № 6 "Nature's gentle breath." (Residential Club District "Cherry Town").
Participant of exhibition-collection № 7 "Nature's gentle breath". Gallery "Heritage", Rue du Perron 25, 1204 Geneva, Switzerland.
Awarded by the diploma for the participation in The collection № 7 "Nature's gentle breath". Gallery "Heritage", Rue du Perron 25, 1204 Geneva, Switzerland.