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Rating: 19

Artworks: 56

Best: 14

Pages: 4

Igor Оsmak was born in 1964 in the Kyiv area. He lives and works in Kyiv.

From 1979 to 1983 he studied at the Kyiv art-industrial technical school (nowadays Academy of decorative art).

In 1991 he has graduated from the National academy of applied arts on a speciality monumental-decorative painting.

Main creative directions: a portrait, genre compositions, and still life. He paints in oils.

From 1996 to 2000 he worked above the sketches and compositions of a church-paintings.

He has created a number of monumental pictures on religious and iconic subjects, which are found in Mikhailovsky Zlatoverkhy cathedral and in Kyivo-Pecherskaya Lavra.

He has received honour to make a drawing of Мetropolit of Kyiv and All Ukraine of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church Vladimir to him 65-years.

Main creative priority is portraits of the contemporaries. He likes to work to order. He lives and works in Kyiv.

Artworks are on permanent exhibition in the gallery "Globus".

Awarded by the diploma for the participation in the Exhibition "Blessing" (Project № 40, Berlin).

Awarded by the diploma for the participation in the 6th Art Festival "Blessing" (Project № 40, Magdeburg).

Participant of the Project № 62 "Aviart-2012".
Record for Guinness World Records is set!.

Participant of exhibition-collection № 7 "Nature's gentle breath". Gallery "Heritage", Rue du Perron 25, 1204 Geneva, Switzerland.

Awarded by the diploma for the participation in The collection № 7 "Nature's gentle breath". Gallery "Heritage", Rue du Perron 25, 1204 Geneva, Switzerland.

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Renewal  First renewal (#1)Previous renewal #7 #8    March, 2010. Total of renewals — 8.
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Flower Symphony
#56, canvas, oil
27.6"x35.4", 2010
#55, canvas, oil
27.6"x35.4", 2010
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