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Rating: 267

Artworks: 9

Best: 5

Pages: 1

Andrey Nekrasov - chief artist of the Academic Song and Dance Ensemble of Interior Troops of Ukraine.

Born on June 14, 1962 in Arkhangelsk in a family of military servant.

He spent his childhood on the coast of the Arctic Ocean, in Amderma, Russia and school years - in Vasylkiv, Kiev region, Ukraine.

In 1987, his artworks were presented at the All-Union Festival of folk art, which took place in Kiev. Over time, the Lviv Union of Writers of Ukraine invited him to hold his solo exhibitions (1990, 1992.).

In the late 90's Andrey Nekrasov being an Officer of press service of the National Guard of Ukraine has carried out several exhibitions in the halls of cultural center of the Ukrainian Society for the Preservation of Historical and Cultural Monuments of Ukraine

Many works are in private collections in Ukraine, Russia, Canada, Australia, Italy, Poland, and Hungary.

Even more works are just gifted to friends and colleagues.

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March evening
#09, canvas, oil
11.8"x7.9", 2002
Cape Flolent in sunset
#07, canvas, oil

Land, sea, sky
#03, canvas, oil

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Midday in Crimea
#02, canvas, oil

Cape Flolent
#01, canvas, oil

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