He was born on the 12th of July 1959, in Moscow region.
In 1984 he has graduated from the Grekov Odessa State art school.
In 1990 he has graduated from the Kyiv academy of applied arts.
For the last decade his works took part in the exhibitions arranged with the best exhibition halls of Switzerland, France, Germany, Japan, Russia.
Since 1997 he is a participant of the International festivals of arts in Kyiv.
In 1991 he participated in the International competition "2000 years under a Vifleem star" in Odessa.
The name of the artist is brought in the worldwide encyclopedia of arts Benezy.
Artworks are on permanent exhibition in the gallery "Globus".

Participant of exhibition-collection № 1 "Field bouquet" (Montenegro, Budva).
Awarded by the diploma for the participation in the Exhibition "Blessing" (Project № 40, Berlin).
Awarded by the diploma for the participation in the 6th Art Festival "Blessing" (Project № 40, Magdeburg).
Awarded by the diploma for the participation in the exhibition-collection № 1 "Field bouquet" (Montenegro, Budva).
Participant of the Project № 62 "Aviart-2012".
Record for Guinness World Records is set!.