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Rating: 30

Artworks: 84


Pages: 6

Klochok Oleg was born in 1961 in the Cherkassy region, Kamenskiy area, village Rebedaylovka.

In 1981 he graduated from the Kiev Radio and Mechanics Technical College.

1981-83 – years of service in the Army.

1984 – the beginning of the independent work.

1985 - 88 – attended Sergey Kozachenko's graphic studio.

1998-2005 – worked as the Art Engraver of Granite.

From 1987 till 2005 - participation in city and regional exhibitions.

Lives and works in Smela of the Cherkassy region.

Artworks are on permanent exhibition in the gallery "Globus".

Participant of the Project № 62 "Aviart-2012".
Record for Guinness World Records is set!.

 All  Renewal #1 
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Renewal  $prev{$lang} #1 Next renewal #2Last renewal (#51)   February, 2007. Total of renewals — 7.
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#38, canvas, oil
19.7"x11.8", 2006
#37, canvas, oil
15.7"x11.8", 2006
Dawn on Tiasmyn River
#36, canvas, oil
23.6"x15.7", 2006
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Midday on Tiasmyn River
#35, canvas, oil
15.7"x11.8", 2006
#34, ?????, ??????, ?????
9.8"x11.8", 2005
#33, ?????, ??????, ?????
11.8"x9.8", 2005
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Self portrait
#32, paper, pastel
15.7"x19.7", 2006
Portrait of Mother
#31, paper, pastel
19.7"x23.6", 2006
By Azov
#30, canvas, oil
23.6"x19.7", 2003
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The Autumn
#29, ?????, ??????, ?????
13.4"x9.4", 2006
Summer Day
#28, ?????, ??????, ?????
15.7"x11.8", 2006
The Bredg
#27, canvas, oil
15.7"x11.8", 2006
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The Fishers
#26, ?????, ??????, ?????
21.5"x10.8", 2006
The Hills
#25, ?????, ??????, ?????
17.3"x9.4", 2006
The Wotering
#24, ?????, ??????, ?????
17.3"x9.4", 2006
 All  Renewal #1 
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