She was born in 1967 in Kyiv.
She has a secondary-special education.
In 1983 she has finished school and she has entered in a technical training college of a knitted industry at the Rose Luxembourg Kyiv knitted association, where she has worked during 7 years.
In 1992 she has finished the courses of varnished painting. She has worked 1 year as an artist of painting and miniature in firm "Dofin".
1993 - Art studio.
1994-1996 – a studio at the Artist House of Kyiv. Her teachers are Vasily Evdokimovich Perevalsry and Stanislav Ivanovich Patsievsky.
Further self-education and practical work on increase of skill.
The favourite artists: M.А. Berkos, А.А. Kisilev, K. Bilokur, G. Semiradsky, K. Моnе, I. Shishkin.
She participated in the exhibitions of V. Boyko in 2000 and 2001.