Estimate the artist 12345


Semesyuk Roman (previous in rating, 210th position from 759)Artist list in rating orderDrozdova Helen (next in rating, 212th position from 759)

Baylo George (previous in list, 32th position from 759)Artist list in alphabetic orderBazilenko Vasily (next in list, 34th position from 759)

Rating: 211

Artworks: 29

Best: 12

Pages: 2

She was born in 1967 in Kyiv.

She has a secondary-special education.

In 1983 she has finished school and she has entered in a technical training college of a knitted industry at the Rose Luxembourg Kyiv knitted association, where she has worked during 7 years.

In 1992 she has finished the courses of varnished painting. She has worked 1 year as an artist of painting and miniature in firm "Dofin".

1993 - Art studio.

1994-1996 – a studio at the Artist House of Kyiv. Her teachers are Vasily Evdokimovich Perevalsry and Stanislav Ivanovich Patsievsky.

Further self-education and practical work on increase of skill.

The favourite artists: M.А. Berkos, А.А. Kisilev, K. Bilokur, G. Semiradsky, K. Моnе, I. Shishkin.

She participated in the exhibitions of V. Boyko in 2000 and 2001.

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#29, canvas, oil
11.8"x9.8", 2001
Wood track
#28, canvas, oil
11.8"x9.8", 2001
Italian yard (by B. Khey motives)
#27, canvas, oil
15.7"x19.7", 1999
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Mountain chapel (by Khakker motives)
#26, canvas, oil
11.8"x15.7", 1999
Landscape with an eagle owl
#25, canvas, oil
19.7"x23.6", 1999
Autumn morning (by Y.Y Klever work)
#24, canvas, oil
19.7"x11.8", 1999
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Feast in desert (on motives of Tade Stuk work)
#23, canvas, oil
27.6"x19.7", 1999
Landscape with a dry tree
#22, canvas, oil
23.6"x19.7", 2001
#21, canvas, oil
9.1"x12.2", 1999
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3.1"x3.1", 2001
3.5"x3.5", 2001
#18, canvas, oil
19.7"x19.7", 1999
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Spring (on motives of Alfons Mukha work)
#17, canvas, oil
19.7"x39.4", 1999
Summer (on motives of Alfons Mukha works)
#16, canvas, oil
19.7"x39.4", 1999
Beige iris
3.9"x3.9", 2002
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Estimate the artist 12345