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Rating: 255

Artworks: 31


Pages: 3

Arthur was born in 1965 in Mukachevo. He studied at the Mukachevo Art School and at the Ukrainian Polygraphic Institute named after I.Fedorov. In 1993 his first personal exhibition was held in Uzhgorod. In 1994 his works were exhibited in Stuttgart (Germany). His pictures are also stored in the private collections and galleries in Germany, the Slovak Republic, the Grekh Republic, Hungary, France, Japan and in the countries of the former Soviet Union. The artist’s works are of great value and for this reason they are not easily accessible.

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 Artwork: Previous artwork: #27, Greek Woman 26 Next artwork: #25, Autumm
Horse and See
#26, canvas, oil
19.7"x15.7", 2005
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 Artwork: Previous artwork: #27, Greek Woman 26 Next artwork: #25, Autumm
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Estimate the artist 12345