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Znoba Nickolas (previous in list, 800th position from 759)Artist list in alphabetic orderZorik Gregory (next in list, 802th position from 759)

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Artworks: 13

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Pages: 1

Sculptor. People’s Artist of Ukraine, Member of the Academy of Arts of Ukraine, Shevchenko State prize of Ukraine laureate, Member of International Academy in UNO General Status. Honorary citizen of Kyiv. Master of monumental, easel sculpture and portrait.

Memorials: Bukrynian place of arms, Darnytsia concentration camp of death, Glory monuments in Kherson and Khmelnitsky (Ukraine), Poklonna mountain (Moscow, Russia). The artist’s masterpieces adorn cities, museums and private collections of Russia, Great Britain, Italy, France, Germany, Norway, the Netherlands, Belgium, Greece, USA, Canada, Japan.

 All  Best  Renewal #1 
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August, 2001. Total of renewals — 1.
Cossack Mamai

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