Estimate the artist 12345


Shemsedinov Gafar (previous in rating, 482th position from 759)Artist list in rating orderFilatov Filip (next in rating, 484th position from 759)

Yermakov Bogdan (previous in list, 775th position from 759)Artist list in alphabetic orderYurashko Viktoriya (next in list, 777th position from 759)

Rating: 483

Artworks: 39

Best: 18

Pages: 3

 All  Best  Last Renewal 
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August, 2004. Total of renewals — 1.
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Old and new
28.0"x32.3", 1993
Eternal-not dying
29.1"x28.0", 1996
44.5"x33.5", 1988
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Goat's family
27.6"x26.0", 1995
Behind a fence of a white house speak with the sun
33.9"x28.3", 1986
28.7"x31.1", 1996
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Last warmth
28.3"x30.7", 1996
Peals are called
23.2"x30.3", 1995
20.1"x23.6", 1993
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Chicken dance
29.5"x27.6", 1996
Mild furrow
29.1"x24.0", 1995
27.6"x29.5", 1983
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Grey day
24.4"x22.0", 1984
Alone among greens
26.8"x26.8", 1994
Young autumn knocked in a window
29.1"x28.7", 1995
 All  Best  Last Renewal 
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Estimate the artist 12345