Estimate the artist 12345


Tropak Oleg (previous in rating, 497th position from 759)Artist list in rating orderYurashko Viktoriya (next in rating, 499th position from 759)

Yakimenko Sergius (previous in list, 765th position from 759)Artist list in alphabetic orderYanishevskaya Yuliya (next in list, 767th position from 759)

Rating: 498

Artworks: 130


Pages: 9

 All  Last Renewal 
 Artwork: Previous artwork: #117, The landscape 116 Next artwork: #115, An evening star
The tsarina of night
#116, canvas, oil
20.7"x28.9", 2000
 All  Last Renewal 
 Artwork: Previous artwork: #117, The landscape 116 Next artwork: #115, An evening star
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Estimate the artist 12345