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Melitsky Yaroslav (previous in rating, 242th position from 759)Artist list in rating orderGalkovsky Alexander (next in rating, 244th position from 759)

Taverovsky Igor (previous in list, 711th position from 759)Artist list in alphabetic orderTimchenko Igor (next in list, 713th position from 759)

Rating: 243

Pages: 1

Artworks: 12

Best: 8

He was born on the 31st of July, 1977, in Маkeevka of Donetsk area.

In 1997 he has graduated from the Donetsk art school.

Since 1997 he is a student of the faculty of painting of the Ukrainian Academy of Arts (Kyiv), the academician V. Gurina’s workshop.

1998 - the participant of the Republican exhibitions in Kyiv and Lugansk and of the exhibition "Fragments of memory" (Donetsk).

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#12, canvas, oil
27.6"x23.6", 2004

#11, canvas, oil
27.6"x27.6", 2004

#10, canvas, oil
31.5"x27.6", 2004
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#09, canvas, oil
27.6"x23.6", 2004
Boats at a sea
#08, canvas, oil
15.7"x11.8", 2003
Calm evening
#07, canvas, oil
15.7"x11.8", 2002
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After a gale
#06, canvas, oil
15.7"x11.8", 2002
Calm evening
#05, canvas, oil
22.0"x17.7", 2003
Crimean seashore
#04, canvas, oil
15.7"x31.5", 2003
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Evening in Venice
#03, canvas, oil
11.8"x7.9", 2003
Evening on a sea
#02, canvas, oil
23.6"x23.6", 2002
#01, canvas, oil
17.7"x9.8", 2002
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