Estimate the artist 12345


Starovoytov Alexander (previous in rating, 573th position from 759)Artist list in rating orderSimakov Vladimir (next in rating, 575th position from 759)

Taverovska Nataliya (previous in list, 710th position from 759)Artist list in alphabetic orderTelichko-Evert Vasily (next in list, 712th position from 759)

Rating: 574

Artworks: 60

Best: 16

Pages: 4

Since 1979 - worked as an artist at number of Kiev theaters.

Since 1989 – Modern painter.

Since 1991 - exhibitions in Kiev and other cities of Ukraine.

1992 - personal exhibition in Kiev.

1993 - exhibitions in Munich (Germany)

1996 - exhibitions in Rotterdam (Holland)

1996 - exhibitions in Bruxelles (Belgium)

1997 - exhibitions in Luxembourg

The concept of the artist’s painting is in combination of metaphysical philosophy and modern romanticism.

Igor Taverovsky calls his style - the metaphysical romanticism.

The artist doesn't give names to his artworks, thereby, forces the spectator to dream, to continue creative process of the artist.

Early series of pictures (more than hundred) are called "Artificial World", late - "Metaphysical Tales".

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Metaphysical fairy-tales. Composition #146
#60, canvas, oil
41.3"x29.5", 2004
Metaphysical fairy-tales. Composition #138
#53, canvas, oil
41.3"x29.5", 2004
Metaphysical fairy-tales. Composition #133
#49, canvas, oil
39.4"x29.5", 2004
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Metaphysical fairy-tales. Composition #131
#47, canvas, oil
35.4"x35.4", 2004
Metaphysical fairy-tales. Composition #128
#44, canvas, oil
41.3"x29.5", 2004
Metaphysical fairy-tales. Composition #121
#40, canvas, oil
39.4"x27.6", 2003
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Metaphysical fairy-tales. Composition #115
#35, canvas, oil
41.3"x29.5", 2003
Metaphysical fairy-tales. Composition #113
#33, canvas, oil
41.3"x29.5", 2003
Metaphysical fairy-tales. Composition #107
#28, canvas, oil
41.3"x29.5", 2003
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Metaphysical fairy-tales. Composition #98
#25, canvas, oil
35.4"x35.4", 2002
Metaphysical fairy-tales. Composition #97
#24, canvas, oil
41.3"x29.5", 2001
Metaphysical fairy-tales. Composition #94
#23, canvas, oil
33.5"x33.5", 2001
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Metaphysical fairy-tales. Composition #84
#20, canvas, oil
39.4"x27.6", 2000
Metaphysical fairy-tales. Composition #79
#18, canvas, oil
27.6"x41.3", 2000
Metaphysical fairy-tales. Composition #74
#16, canvas, oil
41.3"x29.5", 1999
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