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Rating: 738

Artworks: 10


Pages: 1

Yuriy Somov was born in Sludyanka – the town located on the banks of Baikal.

Studying at secondary school Yuriy has attended a local fine art studio.

He was considered to have a talent and dreamed to devote his life to painting.

But everything turned the other way. His teacher and master died and Yuriy gave up painting.

1975 – 1981 - Study at the Kyiv Institute of Civil Aviation Engineers.

Candidate of engineering sciences.

In 2011 Yuriy started to paint again and in February his first works were born.

Credo: “Beauty of the nature is in its variety”

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#10, canvas, oil
23.6"x29.5", 2013

#09, canvas, oil
23.6"x29.5", 2013

#08, canvas, oil
25.6"x31.5", 2014
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#07, paper, pencil
15.7"x11.8", 2011
Mountain streem
#06, paper, pencil
16.5"x12.2", 2011
#05, paper, pencil
16.1"x12.6", 2011
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#04, paper, pencil
20.1"x12.2", 2011
Creek in the forest
#03, paper, pencil
15.7"x20.5", 2011
Forest life
#02, paper, pencil
18.1"x14.2", 2011
Family nest
#01, paper, pencil
18.1"x14.2", 2011
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