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Rating: 348

Artworks: 58

Best: 11

Pages: 4

The member of The Ukrainian Union of Pridnestrovje.

He was born in 1964 in Krivoy Rog in the Ukrainian artist family of Ivan Salko, Honoured culture worker of Ukraine.

He has graduated from the Krivoy Rog art school, the Odessa Grekov state art school, Pridnestrovsky Taras Shevchenko state university, member of the International association "Union of the designers", member of the Artists Union of Ukraine.

He works in area of easel monumental-decorative painting. The easel works of the artist are presented at the Centre of culture and art "Каdikey" (Istanbul), the embassy of Моldova in Turkey (Ankara), Pridnestrovsky Taras Shevchenko state university (Тiraspol), Dostoevsky memorial museum (St.-Petersburg), Тiraspol integrated museum, National museum in Lvov, Lvov historical museum, museum of west and east art (Odessa), museum AFFENDI (Indonesia), Palace of Authority in Lublin (Slovenia), churches of Andrei Pervozvanny and Georgy Zmeeborets in Тiraspol, in Тiraspol-Dubosary diocese, on wine-cognac factories "KVINT" (Тiraspol), "Аrаrаt" (Yerevan), "Кrikоvо" (Кishinev), in private collections of Israel, Germany, USA.

Yuri Salko is an owner of a Crystal semicircle of the International exhibition "POAART - 2000 " in Slovenia, 1-st premium of International biannual "Маrina - 2000" in Odessa.

High estimation of Yuri Salko creativity in Ukraine have given: Emmanuil Misko - national artist, Honoured Art Worker, winner of the Taras Shevchenko State prize, professor, rector of the Lvov Academy of arts, academician of the Academy of arts of Ukraine; Dmitry Кrvavich - national artist, winner of the Taras Shevchenko State prize of Ukraine, professor, pro-rector on scientific work of the Lvov Academy of arts; Vassily Оtkovich – candidate of study of art, winner of the Taras Shevchenko State prize of Ukraine, director of the National museum in Lvov, director of the faculty of Byzantine of the Lvov Ivan Franko State university.

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13.0"x13.0", 2001
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