Estimate the artist 12345


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Rating: 425

Pages: 1

Artworks: 15

Best: 5

He was born on May 31, 1959 in Baku.

He lives in Dnepropetrovsk.

Participation in the exhibitions of drawings:

1. Drawing in the creativity of the Dnepropetrovsk artists. House of Artist, Dnepropetrovsk, 1984.

2. Regional competition of the political poster. 1984 - 2 place.

3. Regional competition of the political poster. 1986 - 3 place.

In 90 years and till our days he works in the easel drawing and painting.

In his creativity, besides a composition, he gives significance to the form, plastic and colour.

His works are in private collections in Luxembourg, Germany, USA, Japan, Israel, Russia, Ukraine.

 All  Best  Renewal #1 
 Artwork: Previous artwork: #04, Sunflowers 03 Next artwork: #02, Diptych «Autumn blues»
April, 2003. Total of renewals — 1.
Diptych «Autumn blues»
#03, canvas, oil
27.6"x39.4", 2003
 All  Best  Renewal #1 
 Artwork: Previous artwork: #04, Sunflowers 03 Next artwork: #02, Diptych «Autumn blues»
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Estimate the artist 12345