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Rating: 234

Artworks: 12


Pages: 1

Date of Birth: May 19, 1982 p.

Born 1982 in Kamyanets Podolsky, Khmelnitsky region.

In 2001 finished Kamyanets Podolsky School of Culture as a teacher of drawing and painting.

Throughout the study participated in the National Fair of Fine and Applied Arts, and exhibition of fine art devoted to the Day of the artist in Kamyanets Podolsky 1998 - 1999.

In 2001 started his study at the Kiev State Institute of Decorative and Applied Art and Design of M. Boychuk (Art department), which qualified him as a specialist in monumental and decorative painting.

During his studies at the Institute, he participated in various exhibitions.

In particular, the conference devoted to the iconography in Ukraine, and exhibition of fine art at the House of Artist.

He also participated in the renewal of painting and gilding, in the premises of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

He received additional training as interior decorator and furniture designer in educational business center "Anastasia" at the Ukrainian College of Business and Law.

Graduation time he worked as co-executor of the project to create icons for the iconostasis of the church "Nativity" in Harkivtsi village Poltava region.

After graduation he received qualification in decorative arts, as an expert of fine and decorative arts.

In 2007. was co-author and co-executor of painting the church "Resurrection" in Krivy Kolena village.

Since 2009 he is one of the authors and artists painting the church of "Peter and Paul" in Talnoe town of Cherkasy region.

Interests and hobbies: photo, design, decorating, tourism, music.

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Spring in the garden Nikitskom
#12, paper, pastel
8.3"x11.8", 2010
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