Estimate the artist 12345


Perehodenko  Natalya (previous in rating, 528th position from 759)Artist list in rating orderUsatyuk Vasiliy (next in rating, 530th position from 759)

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Rating: 529

Pages: 1

Artworks: 6

Best: 4

She was born on the 1st of July, 1958, in Dneprodzerzhinsk of the Dnepropetrovsk area.

She studied in the art studio (Dneprodzerzhinsk), then - at the art school. She has graduated from the faculty of painting of The Leningrad Academy of arts.

The works of the artist took part in the opening days (Dneprodzerzhinsk), and also in the art auctions.

The essentials of her creativity are sea and flowers. The artist writes by oil, watercolour, and pastel. In her works she uses the art tool mastikhin, that makes her painting thin written, graceful and illusory.

The works of the artist are in USA, Australia, Germany, France, Canada, Austria and Russia.

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Stones on the sea
#06, canvas, oil
23.6"x19.7", 2000
Sunset on the sea
#05, canvas, oil
27.6"x19.7", 2000
Sea motif
#04, canvas, oil
27.6"x19.7", 2000
Lunar sonata
#01, canvas, oil
35.4"x27.6", 2000
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Estimate the artist 12345