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Shari Anatoly (previous in rating, 361th position from 759)Artist list in rating orderMelamud Yakov (next in rating, 363th position from 759)

Shevchenko Yuriy (previous in list, 632th position from 759)Artist list in alphabetic orderShevelev Igor (next in list, 634th position from 759)

Rating: 362

Pages: 5

Artworks: 62

Best: 16

He was born on the 23rd of August, 1970, in the village Shabo, Odessa oblast. 1979-1985 - he was studying at the Vereshchagin child's incomplete secondary Artistic school in Nikolaiv and he attended the courses of painting and picture.

1995 - he joined the creative society of the Odessa amateur artists "ARTIST".

August, 1999 - the first personal exhibition of his works took place in the Odessa State literary museum.

2000 - He takes part in the painting exhibition of "Spring" in Kyiv, and also in all subsequent exhibition projects of the Producer center "ArtBoyko".

2001 - Diploma for participation in the painting exhibition "Euroimage - 2001" of the Second International Forum on Economic Cooperation.

2002 - Diploma of the Ukrainian fund of culture of Kyiv for participation in the painting exhibition "Poezіya farb".

The most common, typical, close to people's consciousness pictures of Ukrainian nature made a reality in N. Shevchuk's works. His works are wholly based on the natural seeing, are imbued by intent attention to reality, to each its display.

His works were taken part more than in 20 different exhibition projects of Kyiv, and also are presented in the Artistic salons and galleries of Odessa and Kyiv.

Now he lives and works in Odessa.

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 Artwork: Previous artwork: #57, River coolness 56 Next artwork: #54, On a bank of pond
After a thunderstorm
#56, canvas, oil
27.6"x19.7", 2003
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 Artwork: Previous artwork: #57, River coolness 56 Next artwork: #54, On a bank of pond
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Estimate the artist 12345