Was born on the 5th of June 1969 in Borisov, Belarus.
He studied painting in Anatoly Bezbatko's studio.
Has continued the education at the Kiev Academy of Arts.
Since 1994 he started to create and to exhibit his paintings.
The participant of the international festivals in Kiev and Odessa.
The participant of joint projects of the Ukrainian Union of Artists.
Personal exhibitions in Ukraine, in Kiev.
Personal exhibitions abroad in USA, Maryland.

Participant of exhibition-collection № 1 "Field bouquet" (Montenegro, Budva).
Participant of exhibition-collection № 2 "Dew"
(Slovakia, Bratislava;
Czeska Republika, Praga).
Awarded by the diploma for the participation in the exhibition-collection № 1 "Field bouquet" (Montenegro, Budva).
Awarded by the diploma for the participation in The collection № 2 "Dew" (Slovakia, Bratislava; Czeska Republika, Praga).