Estimate the artist 12345


Sevrukov Dmitry (previous in rating, 126th position from 759)Artist list in rating orderSurha Valerius (next in rating, 128th position from 759)

Soldatov Alexey (previous in list, 669th position from 759)Artist list in alphabetic orderSolovey Roman (next in list, 671th position from 759)

Rating: 127

Pages: 2

Artworks: 30

Best: 13

He was born on the 20th of April, 1967.

In 1991 he has graduated from the historical faculty of the Dnepropetrovsk State University.

Since 1988 he is engaged in painting.

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August, 2001. Total of renewals — 1.
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Kyiv. Podol
#30, canvas, oil
31.5"x23.6", 2001
#29, canvas, oil
23.6"x11.8", 2002
Andreevsky Spusk
#28, canvas, oil
23.6"x31.5", 2002
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#27, canvas, oil
19.7"x23.6", 2002
#26, canvas, oil
23.6"x19.7", 2002
Winter Kiev
#25, canvas, oil
39.4"x25.6", 2001
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Winter city
#24, canvas, oil
23.6"x19.7", 2001
Borichev Tic. Winter
#23, canvas, oil
31.5"x23.6", 2001
Podol. Samson
#22, canvas, oil
39.4"x25.6", 2001
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Podol. Old Kiev
#21, canvas, oil
19.7"x23.6", 2001
Winter Kiev
#20, canvas, oil
23.6"x19.7", 2001
In winter time
#19, canvas, oil
31.5"x23.6", 2001
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Old city
#18, canvas, oil
31.5"x23.6", 2001
Autumn day
#17, canvas, oil
23.6"x19.7", 2001
Frosty day
#16, canvas, oil
31.5"x23.6", 2000
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Estimate the artist 12345