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Rating: 566

Pages: 2

Artworks: 19

Best: 4

He was born in 1954 in the Urals.

In 1974 he has graduated from the Sverdlovsk art school, picturesque-teaching faculty.

In 1984 he has graduated from the Leningrad institute of theatre, music and cinematography on a speciality "artist-director".

He worked at the theatres of St.-Petersburg, Ekaterinburg, Cheliabinsk, Cheboksari, Zlatoust, Kurgan, Ufa and other provincial theatres of Russia. He has realized setting more than fifty performances. He worked with the directors: M. Poliakov, V. Grishanin, L. Gushansky, V. Тrostenetsky, M. Rabinovich, S. Yarmolinets, Y. Virigin, K. Marson, S. Еfremov and others.

Alexander Starovoytov is a member of the Artists Union of Russia and a member of the Theatre workers Union of Russia.

Now he lives and works in Odessa.

Museums and exhibitions

Bakhrushin Museum, Moscow – a sketch of the scenery "Three musketeers" A. Duma, director K. Marcon.

Museum in Cheboksari, Chuvashia - the sketches of the scenery "Five evenings", Volodin, "Chonkin", V. Voynovich, director V. Grishanin.

Museum in Zlatoust – a scale model "Drama with an orchestra", V. Verzakov, director M. Polyakov.

Painting: diptych "Theatre of the one dacha", canvas, oil, 80х80;

"Before a landing", canvas, oil, 80х100.

Museum in Kurgan - a sketch of the scenery to the performance of G. Mamlin "Without fear and reproach", director S. Yefremov.

Sverdlovsk picture-gallery - a sketch of the scenery "Shadow", M. Saltykov-Shchedrin, director M. Polyakov.



Zone of the Urals - 1985, 1989.

Leningrad zonal - 1985.

All-Russia - 1985, 1989.

All-Union - 1986, 1990.

"Poster", Poland - 1988.

"Poster", Czech - 1992.

Russia Theatrical - 1992, 1994.


Personal, St. Petersburg - 1992.

Personal, Zlatoust - 1992.

 All  Best  Renewal #1 
 Artwork: Previous artwork: #04, Island Crete 03 Next artwork: #02, Natasha, Dik, the sea, the sun
Renewal  $prev{$lang} #1 Next renewal #2Last renewal (#62)   August, 2001. Total of renewals — 7.
Still life
#03, canvas, oil
19.7"x23.6", 2001
 All  Best  Renewal #1 
 Artwork: Previous artwork: #04, Island Crete 03 Next artwork: #02, Natasha, Dik, the sea, the sun
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