Was born in February, 20, 1960 in the Donetsk region (UKRAINE). Was attending secondary school #1 pos. Komsomolskij Zmiev district of the Kharkov region.
1979-1981: Urgent military service in rows USSR Army.
Education : Moscow correspondence course of Folk University of Arts Major: Graphic arts and painting. Speciality : secondary school teacher.
I have a wonderful family: wife, son and daughter. My grandsons: Michael and Ostap.
I live and work in village Liman, Zmiev district, Kharkov regions. Ukraine.
Exhibitions and Participation :
- 2016 year. 10, February. Winner of International Contest "BEST WORK of 2015" and "MASTER of the YEAR" in Nomination "Sculpture". International Association Designers VATIKAM.(Paris.France). http://vatikam.com/ru/news/80
- 2015 year, 1 September. First Place Winner in SCULPTURE nomination . Results of the contest "Soul of the Tree” from International Association of designers VATIKAM. http://vatikam.com/soul-of-the-Tree-winners ;
- 2015 year, 14 April. Publications and my Show in Magazine " WoodCARVING". (master-class). USA ;
- 2013 year, December 20. Publications and Show my works in Magazine-ART of "MUZA-UA" - http://www.muzaua.info/index.php/book/11-svezhij-nomer/1-default-category ( Ukraine. Kiev city ) ;
- 2012 year, October. First Place Winner. International competition "CONSCIOUS CREATION 2012". Sponsored by Vivid Arts Network and Arttour International Magazine: www.arttourinternational.com New York, USA
- 2012 year, January . Publications and Show my works in Magazine of "Fashion" ( Ukraine. Kyiv );
- 2011 year, April 5. Winner of Competition: "Audience Likings" with work: " Escape of Queen from the lock of Blua ". Site: http://arts.in.ua/news/861/ ;
- 2011 year, January 5. Publications and Show my works in Magazine of "Woodcarving" ( USA );
- 2010 year, October 28. Publications and Show my works in Magazine of "BUSSINESSCLASSS" ( Ukraine );
- 2010 year, July 23 - August 13. Exhibition in "AGORA" Gallery. 530 W. 25th St, Chelsea, New York. USA. http://www.Agora-Gallery.com ;
- 2010 year, May 23. Publications and Show my works in Magazine of "ARTisSpectrum" ( USA );
- 2009 year. Participation in Exhibition of Royal Society of Miniatures (London). Royal Society have purchased next work :"Greek warrior " ;
- 2008 year. The winner of 2th International Online - Competition of carving. Theme of competition : "Look on Life ". 1th PLACE in a nomination : "Trade in execution" ;
- 2007 year. Execution of exhibition order for Italian Co., that organize Auctions and shows of Antique furniture in Europe ;
- 2007 year. Joint shows in projects of carving on Internet - site of carvers of America (north-west. Washington) : http://www.woodcarvers.org/woodcarverpage1.htm / with work : "Birth of Queen" ;
- 2006 year. The Name of Author was entered on the Gold pages of Modern Encyclopaedia of Ukraine, in the list of gifted people in Science, Culture and Arts ;
- 2006 year. Was invited and successfully participated in execution of palace carvingfor the VIP- client. Making of the compositions from wood in interiors jointly with architecturally - designer group of experts;
- 2006 year. Participation in the joint shows of the carved wares on the site of American masters in carving(carving from under revolved saw) : http://www.chainsawsculptors.com/artscrafts/vladimir_rusiniv/index.html ;
- 2005 year. First invitation for Shows of all projects in Association of carvers of America :http://www.woodcarvers.org/woodcarverpage1.htm ;
- 2004 years. Invitation to Lyon (France) for creation of the personal exhibition in private commercial Co. ;
- 2002 years. First Place and Prize International Jeweller Exhibition "Kiev of ЕXPO-2002". Ukraine. Work : " Sainted Paul and Sainted Peter ".
- 2001 year. Participation in the Allukrainian exhibition. Palace of "Ukraine ". Carving.
- 2000 year. All Ukrainian Exhibition. The Ukrainian house is Kiev : "Slobozhanschyna " . Carving.
- 1998 year. Ukrainian House is Kiev ;
- Annual shows of the works in Kharkov Artistic Museum in Kharkov ( Union of art experts );
- Regular participation in Shows of ART-SHOW on the Internet - sites of Ukraine, Russia and distant foreignness;
- I am engaged in making of the fire-places portals, Societies refined elements in baroque, ROCOCO, MODERN.
Some works are in Private collections of the known VIP-persons of Ukraine, individual wares are in private collections of England, Germany, Austria, Russia, Israel.