Estimate the artist 12345


Pantelemonova Inna (previous in rating, 482th position from 759)Artist list in rating orderSimonov Gennadiy (next in rating, 484th position from 759)

Ryabkin Svyatoslav (previous in list, 581th position from 759)Artist list in alphabetic orderRybak Sergey (next in list, 583th position from 759)

Rating: 483

Pages: 2

Artworks: 17

Best: 9

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Autumn. Pegasus fly away
, 2004
And it passed
, 2004
Now I know
#14, canvas, oil
, 2004
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Before confession
#10, canvas, oil
, 2002
Light sorrow
#06, canvas, oil
, 1992
Woman’s portrait
#04, canvas, oil
19.7"x23.6", 1989
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#03, canvas, oil
55.1"x78.7", 1989
After confession
#02, canvas, oil
39.4"x31.5", 1999
Stormy day
#01, canvas, oil
39.4"x35.4", 1998
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Estimate the artist 12345