Estimate the artist 12345


Pavlenko Sergius (previous in rating, 573th position from 759)Artist list in rating orderAkmaev Ravil (next in rating, 575th position from 759)

Roy Sergey (previous in list, 572th position from 759)Artist list in alphabetic orderRubanov Alexey (next in list, 574th position from 759)

Rating: 574

Pages: 1

Artworks: 3

Best: 3

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 Artwork: Previous artwork: #03, Master of drawing Persia V century A.D. 02 Next artwork: #01, Memory about a small town or photo model
Carpathians. Cage for birds
#02, canvas, oil
27.6"x31.5", 2004
 All  Best  Last Renewal 
 Artwork: Previous artwork: #03, Master of drawing Persia V century A.D. 02 Next artwork: #01, Memory about a small town or photo model
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Estimate the artist 12345