Estimate the artist 12345


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Rating: 251

Artworks: 25


Pages: 2

Was born in 1960 in the city of Krivoi Rog.

She has been drawing and painting since childhood and in future it defined her career choice.

Elena has finished the Art School, then graduated from the Krivoi Rog Teachers Training College, Art and Graphics Faculty.

Professionally engaged in painting since 1987.

Participated in various exhibitions held in Ukraine and abroad.

Lived and worked in the Far East, since 2001 lives in Kiev.

Works are in Ukraine and in private collections of Russia, USA, England, Germany, Italy and other countries.

In my artwork I prefer traditions of the Western European painting.

The member of the Kiev Union of Book Artists.

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 Artwork: Previous artwork: #23, Parisian girl 22 Next artwork: #21, Sun
Little concert
#22, canvas, oil
11.8"x9.4", 2011
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 Artwork: Previous artwork: #23, Parisian girl 22 Next artwork: #21, Sun
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Estimate the artist 12345