Estimate the artist 12345


Minzhulina-Vinkovskaya Olga (previous in rating, 489th position from 759)Artist list in rating orderAkmaev Ravil (next in rating, 491th position from 759)

Prjadko Yuriy (previous in list, 545th position from 759)Artist list in alphabetic orderProkhorova Anna (next in list, 547th position from 759)

Rating: 490

Artworks: 5


Pages: 1

Was born in 1974.

Has ended Children's Art School in the city of Komsomolsk of the Poltava area.

In 1996 has graduated at the Poltava Technical University.

In 2006 has ended courses on design of interiors.

Now in absentia I study on 4 course at university "Ukraine" on a speciality design.

Since 1996 I am engaged in creativity. Portraits, landscapes, sketches.

Since 2002 of work are exhibited at Israel. My buyers from such countries, as the USA, Canada, France, Switzerland, South Korea.

In 2006 2007 has made some design – projects of premises.

Since 2008 actively I work over an illustration.

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11.8"x7.9", 2008
#04, canvas, oil
15.7"x15.7", 2008
#03, canvas, oil
15.7"x15.7", 2008
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Spanish dancer
#02, canvas, oil
7.1"x9.4", 2004
#01, canvas, oil
7.9"x11.8", 2006
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Estimate the artist 12345