Estimate the artist 12345


Melnikova Elena (previous in rating, 179th position from 759)Artist list in rating orderGontaruk Victor (next in rating, 181th position from 759)

Olexeenko Helen (previous in list, 476th position from 759)Artist list in alphabetic orderOliynyk Evgeniy (next in list, 478th position from 759)

Rating: 180

Artworks: 25

Best: 9

Pages: 2

 All  Best  Renewal #4 
Renewal  First renewal (#1)Previous renewal #3 #4 Next renewal #5 (last)Last renewal (#48)   October, 2007. Total of renewals — 5.
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#20, canvas, oil
19.3"x15.7", 2007

#19, canvas, oil
19.7"x16.5", 2007

#18, canvas, oil
18.5"x15.7", 2007

#17, canvas, oil
19.7"x16.5", 2007
 All  Best  Renewal #4 
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Estimate the artist 12345