Estimate the artist 12345


Trufkin Anatoliy (previous in rating, 500th position from 759)Artist list in rating orderAntonenko Vladimir (next in rating, 502th position from 759)

Novosilniyy Anatoliy (previous in list, 466th position from 759)Artist list in alphabetic orderNyrkova Marta (next in list, 468th position from 759)

Rating: 501

Artworks: 28


Pages: 2

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The desire directed to Elena
#28, canvas, oil
Source of the consciousness 2
#27, canvas, oil
30.7"x30.7", 2005
Source of the consciousness 1
#26, canvas, oil
30.7"x30.7", 2005
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#25, canvas, oil
33.9"x41.7", 2006
Beautiful people
#24, canvas, oil
35.0"x44.1", 2002
Where were you, Adam?
#23, canvas, oil
34.3"x42.5", 2001
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Floating on the stream of the river
#22, canvas, oil
43.3"x31.5", 2003
Committees of the heat
#21, canvas, oil
37.8"x27.6", 2003
Cities, where the smoke comes from the asphalt after rain
#20, canvas, oil
41.7"x31.5", 2001
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No allergy
#19, canvas, oil
43.3"x31.5", 2003
One hundred years, spent with no purpose
#18, canvas, oil
43.3"x35.4", 2003
#17, canvas, oil
38.2"x29.9", 2000
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Look from the screen
#16, canvas, oil
37.4"x38.6", 2003
Just another day
#15, canvas, oil
34.6"x44.1", 2002
The return of a great architect
#14, canvas, oil
43.7"x35.8", 2002
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Estimate the artist 12345