Estimate the artist 12345


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Rating: 304

Artworks: 10


Pages: 1

Vasyl was born on January, 12, 1943 in a village Vikneno of the Vinnytsya region.

In 1946 moved to Kiev.

From 1958-1961 studied in the Kiev State Art and Handicraft College.

1966 – after demobilization practised at the studio of sculptor Husida.

In 1972 entered the Kiev Art Institute (NAAA), Faculty of Painting.

In 1978 graduated from the Kiev State Art Institute, Studio of Easel painting of Lopukhov, Teachers – Vitkovskiy l.I. and Gurin V.I..

From 1978 to 2006 – worked at the art association «Artist» at the painting workshop.

From 1978 – participant of the All-Union, All-Ukrainian and international exhibitions.

From 1987 – member of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine, member of bureau of painting section at the Kiev organization of NUAU.

Works are in the funds of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of Ukraine and the Head Office of Exhibition Department of NUAU, private collections of Ukraine, Russia, Greece, France, England, Korea, China.


• 1978 – All-union exhibition of diploma works at Saint Petersburg;

• 1978–2010 – participant of All-Ukrainian exhibitions;

• 2003 – personal exhibition. Art association «Artist»;

• 2008 – group exhibition «Colours of memory». Gallery «Mistec’»;

• 2010 – All-Ukrainian Trienale of painting.

 All  Last Renewal 
Renewal  First renewal (#1)Previous renewal #1 #2    November, 2010. Total of renewals — 2.
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#10, canvas, oil
15.7"x16.9", 2010

#09, canvas, oil
19.7"x16.9", 2010
#08, canvas, oil
23.6"x19.7", 2010
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#07, canvas, oil
19.7"x23.6", 2010
#06, canvas, oil
15.7"x23.6", 2010
#05, canvas, oil
19.7"x15.7", 2010
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Historical spot
#04, canvas, oil
19.7"x15.7", 2010
Carpathian motive
#03, canvas, oil
19.7"x16.9", 2010
Near the church;
#02, canvas, oil
16.9"x19.7", 2010
 All  Last Renewal 
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Estimate the artist 12345