Estimate the artist 12345


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Rating: 360

Artworks: 30

Best: 12

Pages: 2

Was born in 1967 in Odessa.

After employment at the Odessa Art school has acted in the Odessa Architectural academy which has finished in 1992.

The hobby the fine art has developed into serious employment by painting.

Now I live in Odessa.

Many my works are in private collections on Ukraine, in Russia, France, Germany, Czechia and USA.


Search a basis of my creativity. I think, that my pictures are called to give people happiness.

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 Artwork: Previous artwork: #26, ROAD TO THE WOOD 25 Next artwork: #24, INSPIRATION
#25, canvas, oil
19.7"x23.6", 2004
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 Artwork: Previous artwork: #26, ROAD TO THE WOOD 25 Next artwork: #24, INSPIRATION
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Estimate the artist 12345