She was born in 1966 in Kyiv.
1989 - she graduated from the Kyiv state artistic institute, workshop of the professor V. Chebanik - book graphic arts.
Since 1986 - a participant of all Ukrainian and state artistic exhibitions.
Since 1989 - a member of the Artists Union of Ukraine. She is a graduate student of creative artistic workshops of Academy of arts of USSR.
1990 - for diploma work: "Artistic design of book - the poem L. Kostenko "Marusya Churay", she got a grand prix for the best book of the year.
1993 - a vice-president of the charitable fund of playing in the favour to the young artists of Ukraine "Abris". /Academy of arts of Ukraine/
1994 - Second Kyiv prize for achievement in area of graphic arts. /the Ministry of culture of Ukraine, The Artists Union of Ukraine, The Main Administration of culture, Kyiv city state administration/
1994 - forming and exhibition of the artistic exhibition at the International exhibition "Ukraine-Italy-1994", Bolonya. She participated as an artist. / Shopping House "Ukraine-America"/
1994 - forming and exhibition of the artistic exhibition at the International exhibition "Ukraine-Germany-95", Hamburg. She participated as an artist. /Shopping House "Ukraine-America"/
1995 - forming and exhibition of the artistic exhibition at the International exhibition "Ukraine-IAI", Sharzha. She participated as an artist. / Shopping House "Ukraine-America"/
1995 - the Honored diploma at the World artistic book exhibition in Italy, Sarmed.
1996 - First bonus at the International exhibition "Advertising-96", Kyiv. Design of the Ukrainian-Germany-French television firm "IP-Kyiv". An artist is a designer of stand of Ukraine.
1996 - designer of the International exhibition "Fire safety-96", Kyiv. /Ministry of internal affairs of Ukraine, Ukrvneshinform, Ministry of the fire guard of Ukraine/
1996 - she got the rank "Honored artist of Ukraine".
1997 - an artist-designer of solemn state holiday "Science Day". /Ministry of Ukraine on science and technology things/
1997 - artistic design of stand of Ukraine at the International exhibition of Hanover. /Ministry of Ukraine on science and technology things/
1998 - a member of the expert commission of Ministry of culture of Ukraine, a member of artistic council of state administration of Pechersky district of Kyiv.
1998 - an artist-designer of state holiday "Science Day". Design and manufacture of state rewards of Ministry of science of Ukraine.
1998 - artistic design of stand of Ukraine at the International exhibition "EXPO" in Lisbon, Portugal. The works of this artist are handed over a gift to the embassy of Portugal and embassy of Ukraine in France.
1998 - recipient of an award by the diploma of Ministry of culture of Ukraine.
1999 - an artist-designer of celebration of 5th anniversary of Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine, design and manufacture of state rewards.
1999 - a participant of state competition for the best development of medal to "Defender of Fatherland". /Administration of President of Ukraine, National bank of Ukraine/
1999 - an artist-designer of development of state holiday "Day of lawyer", development of state rewards.
1999 - a participant of organization of activity of exhibition commission of the International Shevchenko literary-artistic holiday, a participant of holiday and artistic exhibition in Cherkassy. The works of this artist are handed over a gift to Ministry of culture of Ukraine and Canadian-Ukrainian foundation of Toronto.
1999 - she took part in the grandees of Ministry of culture of Ukraine, Administration of President of Ukraine.
2000 - development of rewards of the State commission on securities and fund market of Ukraine.
2000 - artistic design of Alpha Bank in Ukraine.
2000-2001 - a member of the expert commission of Ministry of culture and arts of Ukraine.
2001 - a personal exhibition (State museum of history of Ukraine).
2001 - development of rewards of State property fund of Ukraine.
2001 - a member of commission on the State rewards at Administration of President of Ukraine.
16.11.-30.11.2001 - Days of Ukraine in Switzerland (A personal exhibition, Embassy of Ukraine in Switzerland).
5.03.-28.04.2002 - a personal exhibition in House of Scientists of Kharkov, Ukraine.
22.08.-2.09.2002 - a participant of the exhibition "Art of Ukraine", Moscow, Central house of artists, Krimsky Val Streets, 10, hall № 17, 18, Russia.