Estimate the artist 12345


Kolumbet Natalya (previous in rating, 538th position from 759)Artist list in rating orderKozyar Evgenia (next in rating, 540th position from 759)

Kovalev John (previous in list, 305th position from 759)Artist list in alphabetic orderKovalyova Nina (next in list, 307th position from 759)

Rating: 539

Pages: 1

Artworks: 5

Best: 3

 All  Best  Renewal #1 
 Artwork: 05 Next artwork: #04, Crumb Tsahes
August, 2001. Total of renewals — 1.
#05, canvas, oil
29.5"x23.6", 2003
 All  Best  Renewal #1 
 Artwork: 05 Next artwork: #04, Crumb Tsahes
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Estimate the artist 12345