Estimate the artist 12345


Gayane Atayan (previous in rating, 184th position from 759)Artist list in rating orderLukyanov Alexander (next in rating, 186th position from 759)

Krayneva Anastasiya (previous in list, 317th position from 759)Artist list in alphabetic orderKruchko (next in list, 319th position from 759)

Rating: 185

Pages: 4

Artworks: 50


 All  Last Renewal 
 Artwork: Previous artwork: #45, Return from hunting 44 Next artwork: #43, Still life of wild flowers
Still life of blue jug
#44, canvas, oil
28.3"x21.9", 2006
 All  Last Renewal 
 Artwork: Previous artwork: #45, Return from hunting 44 Next artwork: #43, Still life of wild flowers
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Estimate the artist 12345