Estimate the artist 12345


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Rating: 648

Pages: 1

Artworks: 2

Best: 2

He was born in 1964 in the family of the artists.

In his children's years he took a great interest in drawing.

In 1980 he has entered in the Donetsk State art school, and in 1984 he has graduated from it with distinction.

From 1984 to 1986 he served in Armed forces of the Soviet Union. In Army he was engaged in design works, for what he had of gratitude.

After Army since 1986 he worked on his speciality. Repeatedly he took part in the youth exhibitions. Repeatedly he participated in the All-Union exhibitions of Ukraine.

In 2001 he took part in the All-Ukrainian exhibition of the National Artists Union of Ukraine.

His works are in private collections of Europe and CIS.

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#02, canvas, oil
17.7"x39.4", 2002
#01, canvas, oil
39.4"x15.7", 2002
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Estimate the artist 12345