Estimate the artist 12345


Malinka Alexander (previous in rating, 392th position from 759)Artist list in rating orderTsesar Iren (next in rating, 394th position from 759)

Giza Irek (previous in list, 171th position from 759)Artist list in alphabetic orderGladovskaya Nataliya (next in list, 173th position from 759)

Rating: 393

Artworks: 18

Best: 11

Pages: 2

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Monastery of the Caves
#18, canvas, oil
39.4"x25.6", 2002
Winter. Monastery of the Caves
#16, canvas, oil
39.4"x25.6", 2002
City motif
#14, canvas, oil
31.5"x23.6", 2002
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#13, canvas, oil
39.4"x25.6", 2001
Proreznaja Street
#12, canvas, oil
31.5"x23.6", 2001
Winter Kiev
#11, canvas, oil
31.5"x23.6", 2000
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Still life
#09, canvas, oil
31.5"x23.6", 2001
Sophievskaya Cathedral
#08, canvas, oil
39.4"x27.6", 2001
City landscape
#06, canvas, oil
39.4"x27.6", 2001
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#04, canvas, oil
21.7"x27.6", 2001
Old city
#02, canvas, oil
19.7"x27.6", 2001
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Estimate the artist 12345