Estimate the artist 12345


Vlaschenko Valentine (previous in rating, 280th position from 759)Artist list in rating orderHudorozhkov Oleg (next in rating, 282th position from 759)

Gaftkovich Lyudmila (previous in list, 147th position from 759)Artist list in alphabetic orderGaidar Andrey (next in list, 149th position from 759)

Rating: 281

Pages: 2

Artworks: 21

Best: 10

He was born on the 21st of June 1955, in Kyiv.

After the graduation from the secondary school in 1967 he has entered in the Republican Art high school.

In 1972 he has graduated from the Republican Art high school.

From 1987 to 1990 he was the participant of four exhibitions from the Union of artists, including the 1-st All-Ukrainian.

In 1988 he was the participant of the exhibitions in Poland (Warsaw, Belostok).

In 1991 he was the participant of a charitable exhibition in Prague.

In 1991 the personal exhibition in the House of cinema has passed (Kyiv).

In 1996 the personal exhibition of Vаsiliy Gaichuk in the medical library has passed (Kyiv).

1996 – the personal exhibition in a theatrical museum.

In 2000 he was a participant of the exhibition "Nature Art" in Magdebourg (Germany).

All personal exhibitions of the artist were conducted together with the wife, the artist Tamara Belousova-Gaichuk.

The permanently acting exhibitions of his works pass in the cafe “Domashnya kukhnya” (“Home kitchen”) (Podol, Kontraktova Square), where the works of a series "Views of old Kyiv" are presented, and also in the cafe "Zoryane" (Gorodetskogo Street, near Kreshchatik Street), where the works of a series "Still life" are presented.

The artist works in technique “acryl” and “tempera”. A watercolour he works on an open-air.

Main subject of his works is an urban landscape (history and modernity), and also historical fantasy (“Time, space, man”).

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Ship carpenter
#21, primer paint
17.3"x11.0", 2006
Andreevskiy spusk
#20, fibreboard, oil
19.7"x22.0", 2010
Man of rain
#19, canvas, oil
29.5"x35.4", 2003
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Ship of fools
#18, canvas, oil
29.5"x35.4", 2003
Rotation of water
#17, canvas, oil
29.5"x35.4", 2003
Ship carpenter
#16, canvas, oil
29.5"x35.4", 2003
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Dumplings filled with cherries
#15, canvas, oil
17.7"x23.6", 2003
Chimes of Universe
#14, dvp, acryl
27.6"x27.6", 2002
19.7"x27.6", 2003
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Andreevsky Spusk
#12, cardboard, a?ril
11.8"x15.7", 2002
Foremother of the Scythians
#11, tempera
23.6"x27.6", 2002
#10, dvp, acryl
11.8"x17.7", 2002
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Andreevsky Spusk
#09, dvp, acryl
15.7"x19.7", 2002
Sagaidachy in Lvov
#08, dvp, acryl
13.8"x19.7", 2002
The great shaman
#07, cardboard, akril
23.6"x27.6", 2000
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