Estimate the artist 12345


Chebotaru Nicholas (previous in rating, 371th position from 759)Artist list in rating orderMundt Alexey (next in rating, 373th position from 759)

Greysu Kseniya (previous in list, 192th position from 759)Artist list in alphabetic orderGrigorieva Anastasiya (next in list, 194th position from 759)

Rating: 372

Artworks: 150


Pages: 10

 All  Renewal #8 
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Renewal  First renewal (#1)Previous renewal #7 #8 Next renewal #9 (last)Last renewal (#83)   October, 2017. Total of renewals — 9.
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In the evening on the river
#136, paper, watercolor
15.7"x11.8", 2017
Zhovten - kastrychnik
#135, paper, watercolor
15.7"x11.8", 2017
Soon the lights will light up
#134, paper, watercolor
15.7"x11.8", 2017
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Apricots bloom …
#133, paper, watercolor
19.7"x13.8", 2017
April evening
#132, paper, watercolor
15.7"x11.8", 2017
Let everyone in a dream see dandelions
#131, paper, watercolor
15.7"x11.8", 2017
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Gaziantep City. Hammam
#130, paper, watercolor
10.8"x14.8", 2017
About Gaziantep City. Above us only sky
#129, paper, watercolor
10.8"x14.8", 2017
About Gaziantep City. Monument to the pistachio nuts
#128, paper, watercolor
10.8"x14.8", 2017
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About Gaziantep City. Zeugma. Fragment of monument to the Great silk way
#127, paper, watercolor
14.8"x10.8", 2017
Psyche. Features of flight of the soul
#126, paper, watercolor
14.8"x10.8", 2017
Sea of gladness after a rain
#125, paper, watercolor
18.9"x14.2", 2016
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#124, paper, watercolor
15.0"x11.0", 2016
Coast of the departing summer
#123, paper, watercolor
18.9"x14.2", 2016
Would you like a sweet cherry?
#122, paper, watercolor
18.9"x14.2", 2016
 All  Renewal #8 
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Estimate the artist 12345