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Drozdenko Gregory (previous in rating, 439th position from 759)Artist list in rating orderMosienko Inna (next in rating, 441th position from 759)

Greysu Kseniya (previous in list, 192th position from 759)Artist list in alphabetic orderGrigorieva Anastasiya (next in list, 194th position from 759)

Rating: 440

Artworks: 150


Pages: 10

 All  Renewal #3 
Renewal  First renewal (#1)Previous renewal #2 #3 Next renewal #4Last renewal (#83)   November, 2010. Total of renewals — 9.
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The wind from a sea
#32, paper, watercolor
16.1"x11.4", 2010
The Sun hello of September
#31, paper, watercolor
11.4"x16.1", 2010
The Fat, Bread and other
#30, paper, watercolor
11.4"x8.3", 2010
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The Marine smile of summer lake
#29, paper, watercolor
14.8"x10.8", 2010
The shore of of inspiring sky which gives wings
#28, paper, watercolor
16.1"x11.4", 2010
The Advance-guard of the Black sea autumn
#27, paper, watercolor
16.1"x11.4", 2010
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With the dandelions
#26, paper, watercolor
11.4"x16.1", 2010
"And light flows in the soul from skies…"
#25, paper, watercolor
14.8"x10.8", 2010
“Swim, swim, as ideas, clouds”
#24, paper, watercolor
16.1"x11.4", 2010
The battery SA-8 on a march
#23, paper, watercolor
16.1"x11.4", 2010
 All  Renewal #3 
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Estimate the artist 12345