Estimate the artist 12345


Butko Gennadiy (previous in rating, 300th position from 759)Artist list in rating orderIvlev Valentin (next in rating, 302th position from 759)

Gopkalo Anatoly (previous in list, 184th position from 759)Artist list in alphabetic orderGorbenko Alexey (next in list, 186th position from 759)

Rating: 301

Artworks: 7

Best: 3

Pages: 1

Was born in November 1952.

Graphic Artists and Painter. Graduated the Rostov Pedagogical Institute, Faculty of Art and Graphics.

Student of Prof. Pokidchenko and Prof. Begma. From 1982 till 1986 was lecturing and teaching in Rostov Art College named after Grekov.

From 1976 he is the participant of city, regional, republican, national and international exhibitions.

Member of the Union of Artists of Russia, member of the Union of Artists Marinists.

Works of artist can be found in Crimean museums and in private collections of Ukraine and abroad.

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In a nightly silence
#07, canvas, oil
27.6"x15.7", 2004
#06, canvas, oil
27.6"x15.7", 2004
Evening lights
#05, canvas, oil
31.5"x19.7", 2004
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Estimate the artist 12345