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Rating: 238

Artworks: 31


Pages: 3

Ukrainian artist Oksana Fursa was born in 1972 in Kyiv, one of the most picturesques place of Ukraine. The finished National Art School ¹1. Th e Higher Education she has got in Tallinn (Estonia, 1994), then shegraduated Kyiv Building Engineering Institute, Faculty of Architecture in 2000 for getting the second higher education. O.Fursa worked as an animated cartoon artist, a designer of advertising, as an architect, a fashion designer, but she has never lefther personal artistic activity. She is inspired by folk motives and traditional decorative folk articles. Her works reflect the spirit of ancient rock paintings and medieval prints. Her artistic world is literally specific and symbolistically complex.

The peculiarity of the artist’s technique is based on the freak of lights and darks in stylized objects. Non typical interpretation of colour is expressed in crossing of several bright stains. Th e artist says, that applying the layers she gradually leads the plot of her work to her personal ideal and her proper image of Happiness. Since 1990 Oksana Fursa has been leading active exhibition work. Th e most sound arrangements are:

personal exhibition «Flowers of Ukraine» (House of Artists, Kyiv), 32 works were presented in author’s technique of textile design, which combine batik, patchwork, painting and textile application»;

personal exhibition «a Look» in Riga (Latvia, gallery ART strit, 1998) there were exhibited 18 graphic works (white on the black) on the subjects of modern architectonics in the theme of Modern Art Exhibition;

participation in the Exhibition «Colours of Contemporaneity» (Kyiv, Ukrainian House, 1998) - 10 canvases in ART- folk style (oil, acrylic);

participation in International Exhibition of Modern Art «Relief» (Saint-Petersburg, Russia, 2002) – 5 canvases in ART-folk style (mixed collection);

participation in the Exhibition «I am looking» (Kyiv, Ukrainian House, 2008) - 11 canvases from the collection «Mists» (white on the black, acrylic);

participation in the Exhibition «Ukraine by the sight of contemporaries » (Kyiv Art Arsenal, 2011) - 5 canvases from the collection «Yarylo» in ART-folk style (oil, acrylic).

Along with creative activity Oksana Fursa is known as an organizer of design trends in Ukraine and beyond its borders, as a scholar and educationalist. In 2005 she headed the Confederation of Designers and Stylists of Ukraine as the President; for two years the founded the International Design Competition «Crystal silhouette» and charity children’s fine art competition «Bright Palette» (held annually in May, Kyiv).

Cherishing the idea of creation a higher school of design O. Fursa organizes first the College and in 2000 - the Institute of Art for

Decorative Modelling and Design named after Salvador Dali. O. Fursa heads the Institute in the status of Rector, professor and Dr. of Education (was awarded the Doctor’s degree in 2014).

Oksana Fursa is the author of the scientific monograph «Tendencies of development of design education in Ukraine (the 2-nd part of the XX-th - the beginning of the XXI-st centuries)» (2014); the programme of the special course «Development of pedagogical mastery of an instructor of Art disciplines»; text-books «Psychology of Conflict. Art as the way of psychological protection of a personality in confl ict» and «Methods of projection of brandname style in professional training of future designer-graphics». All these works were highly appraised by professionals.

Married, brings up two sons.

 All  Last Renewal 
Renewal  First renewal (#1)Previous renewal #2 #3    September, 2015. Total of renewals — 3.
Sweet mill
#31, canvas, acrilic
19.7"x15.7", 2015
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