Estimate the artist 12345


Braginskiy Artur (previous in rating, 351th position from 759)Artist list in rating orderKravets Josip (next in rating, 353th position from 759)

Evsin Igor (previous in list, 134th position from 759)Artist list in alphabetic orderFandikov Alexander (next in list, 136th position from 759)

Rating: 352

Artworks: 14


Pages: 1


Was born on December, 3rd, 1951 in Eupatoria, Crimea. I began to draw early. From the 2 grade till the finishing of high school I had been attending drawing and modeling courses at the local House of Pioneers. Throughout this time I had been participating in children's and youthful city and regional exhibitions. After finishing school I started to attend the Eupatoria City Studio of Drawing and Painting. Artist Zvyagintsev V. F was one of my teachers. When I was 16 my personal exhibition has taken place in the regional Crimean Simferopol Art Museum.

After I finished high school I started to work as a student at wall and ceiling painting studio. There I was mastering interiors and exterior design: decorative paintings, casting of a plaster decor, bas-reliefs and small relief sculptures. The same time I have continued studying painting under the direction of the artist Sajko V. S. Together we participated in exhibitions, visited seminars of artists of Crimea and Ukraine in towns Koktebel and Sokolinoe where I painted my sketches.

In 1971 I started to serve in the armed forces of the USSR. Served as a soldiers in a platoon of communication of the 36th air armies JUGV (the city of Kartsag, Kunmodozharsky area, Hungary). In army I continued drawing and painting. I made bas-reliefs to 2 sculptures with images of the soldier, the sailor and the pilot. In 1972 military unit command had organized my personal exhibition in club of officers of garrison. The exhibition has got positive responses of officers and civilians of the garrison. By summer 1973 I have been directed for examinations passing in the city of Salnok (Hungary) in order to enter the Military Academy of Arts. The first examination has been successfully passed, however it was ordered to accept only officers.

In December, 1973 I was demobilized from armed forces and began to prepare for entering the Kharkov Art and Industry Institute. And the same time I studied gemology and jewelry. When I studied at the institute I started to participate in joint exhibitions with Kiev artists. In 1980 graduated from the Kharkov Art and Industry Institute, specialty Interior and Equipment.

After the institute graduation I left to Moscow, Russia. Worked in a workshop of the artist Ratner V. I. where I studied the iconography.

In 1981 I returned to Crimea, the city of Eupatoria. Worked as a designer and was engaged in monumental works: mosaics, reliefs, high reliefs, sgraffito, sculptures, paintings. Regularly participated in exhibitions.

In 1989 left to Rostov-on-Don where I studied gemology and physical metallurgical science. Participated in the exhibition of the Rostov jewelers "Finift’". Have been awarded by premium, diploma of the 1st degree and a set of jeweler tools.

In 1997 I was invited and left to Argentina for participation in work on an architectural ensemble of a cathedral in the city of La Plata. Developed and executed sketches of relief sculptures (ceramics, scale 1:5, the height 60 sm). Under these sketches I created 14 sculptures full-scale (3-3,5), which are now established in the cathedral. Besides sculptures, I made figures of Gargoyles (copper, height 1m). Gargoyles are the hollow images of fantastic animals used for a drain of rain water. Executed pinnacles (concrete). Pinnacles are decorative turrets which are installed on the basic external columns supporting a cathedral. And created a design of a window with Gothic character on a cathedral front (concrete, height 19m). Made a series of sketches of an eight-final cross "Jesus Christ Fire" for the main spikes of a cathedral. Then cut down the main elements of a cross for the basic assemblage in full-scale (height 3m).

In 1999 returned to Crimea. Continued exhibition activity.

In 2001-2008 participated in exhibitions in St.-Petersburg, Kiev (galleries "NEF", "Lada", «36»). In 2003 the personal exhibition where 37 works have been presented took place in the Kaliningrad History and Art Museum.

In 2002 participated in the exhibition «Art World of Ukraine» which took place in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine and have been awarded by the Diploma.

In 2003 I created decorative sculptures "Cow" and "Cook" (concrete, height 2,5-3m) for an architectural ensemble of a city of Eupatoria (to the 2500 Anniversary of the City foundation)

In August 2004 the documentary film about my life and my artwork was shooting in Eupatoria by the Ukrainian studio of chronicle and documentary films (the main director - the honored art worker of Ukraine Moskalenko-Vysotskaja E.N.)

In June-September 2007 I participated in the summer exhibition "Kiss" in gallery Mitte, Dresden, Germany where I have presented 5 of my works.

In 2006-2008 worked on icons for church in village Uyutnoe, Crimea. In March-April 2006 I painted 4 icons of the round form: "Trinity", «Sacred Artemy», «Sacred Lyudmila», «Sergy Radonezhsky», diameter 80 sm; and also "Nikolay Chudotvorets" 30õ35 sm. In March 2008 another icon - "John Krestitel" 89õ170 sm

In 2006-2007 I was invited by the Open Company "Salon Rus" to participate in several selection competitions where I presented some of my artworks (Moscow, Central House of Artist). I have successfully passed the selection and took the first places in ratings. Then I was invited for participation in the exhibitions representing "Salon Rus" at auction Christie’s (London, England).

April 2007 - my personal exhibition in the London gallery representing "Salon Rus". December 2007 - Christmas exhibition representingf "Salon Rus", London.

September, 23 - October, 7, 2008 - exhibition in the city administration of Moscow (3 works) where artists Shilov, Safronov, Glazunov presented their works as well.

Now I live in Eupatoria and I work in architectural engineering company ÀSÊ. I am engaged in painting, working out the interiors design using wall-painting and hi-tech elements. Annually I take part in city events and the city opening day.

I often unite various figurative motives in my artworks: the Ancient East, antiquity, iconography, bible scenes. I use various textures, technique of patches on a canvas; I apply thin multilayered glazes along with fragments of pastose painting. Have created a series of arts and crafts works in style of hi-tech. I use various kinds of a tree (including the old tree), metal, semiprecious stones, shells of molluscs; and I also apply techniques of painting on the primer paint, gilding. In my works I synthesize painting and elements of jeweler art, using the techniques of old masters.

Main Exhibitions:


Exhibition of the Kiev artists “Glance”, Kiev, September 1980 (painting)

Exhibition of the Kiev artists monumentalists, Kiev, April, 1981 (painting)


Exhibition in Rostov-On-Don, November, 1981 (painting)

Exhibition in Rostov-On-Don, July, 1983 (painting)

Exhibition of the Rostov artists monumentalists, Rostov-On-Don, February, 1985 (painting)


Exhibition in Kardzhali, March, 1987 (painting)

Exhibition (3 artworks) in Kardzhali and Sofia, January, 1988 (painting)


Exhibition (2 artworks) in Debrecen, Esztergom, August, 1989 (painting)


Exhibition of the Rostov artists monumentalists, Rostov-On-Don, , September 1990 (painting and jewelry plastics)

Exhibition in Rostov-On-Don (9 artworks), June 1994. (painting)


Personal Exhibition under the patronage of Heyfits H.V. (14 artworks), St. Petersburg, April 1996 (painting)


Exhibition in Buenos Aires, 1998-2000 (ceramics, painting, sculpture)


Exhibition in St. Petersburg, July 2000-2005 (painting)


Exhibitions in Kiev, Kiev Pechersk Lavra, January-February, August-October 2001-2003 (painting)


Personal Exhibition in History and Art Museum, Kaliningrad, 2003 (painting)


Preparation and Participation in Exhibition “Art World of Ukraine” held in Verkhovna Rada of Ukarine. 2001-2002 (painting)

Exhibitions in galleries “Lada”, “36”, NEF”, Kiev, 2002-2008


Exhibitions in Kaliningrad 2005-2008, St. Petersburg November 2005 – January 2006 (painting)


Exhibition “Kiss”, Dresden, June-September 2007


Participation in auction Christie’s on behalf of “Salon Rus”, London. # works are selected by the London Art Academy for participation in the Royal Exhibition, August 2007


Exhibition in Riga, December 2007 – June 2008 (9 works)


Exhibition in gallery organized by “Salon Rus”, London (painting), 2008


Exhibition in the gallery of “Salon Rus” , Moscow, Central House of Artist, Manege, April 21 – September, 21 2008.


Exhibition in the city administration of Moscow (3 artworks), September, 23 – October, 7, 2008


Exhibition in gallery organized by “Salon Rus”, London (painting), April 27 – September 27, 2009

Artworks are in the catalogue of the Exhibition “Glance”, Kiev (1980) and Exhibition of the Kiev artists monumentalists (1981). Beginning from 2002 I annually issue new catalogues of my artworks.

Works can be found in private collections in Ukraine, Russia, Poland, Bulgaria, Germany, France, England, Ireland, USA, Near East and others.

 All  Last Renewal 
Óâåëè÷èòü Óâåëè÷èòü Óâåëè÷èòü
City by the sea
#14, canvas, oil
47.2"x13.8", 2013
Adam and Eve
#13, canvas, oil
47.2"x13.8", 2013
#12, canvas, oil
47.2"x13.8", 2013
Óâåëè÷èòü Óâåëè÷èòü Óâåëè÷èòü
Waiting for summer
#11, canvas, oil
47.2"x13.8", 2013
Pomegranates and apples
#10, canvas, oil
15.7"x15.7", 2013
#09, canvas, oil
27.6"x35.4", 2013
Óâåëè÷èòü Óâåëè÷èòü Óâåëè÷èòü
Blue bird
#08, canvas, oil
33.5"x23.6", 2012
Birth of Pisces
#07, canvas, oil
19.7"x19.7", 2012
Bird's kiss
#06, canvas, oil
23.6"x19.7", 2010
Óâåëè÷èòü Óâåëè÷èòü Óâåëè÷èòü
Dreaming angel
#05, canvas, oil
21.7"x21.7", 2008
#04, canvas, oil
21.7"x21.7", 2008
Angel of the childhood
#03, canvas, oil
21.7"x21.7", 2008
Óâåëè÷èòü Óâåëè÷èòü
Angel's call
#02, canvas, oil
15.7"x19.7", 2008
Playing harlequin
#01, canvas, oil
15.7"x19.7", 2008
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