Estimate the artist 12345


Bogdanets Nicholas (previous in rating, 610th position from 759)Artist list in rating orderGayduk Tatyana (next in rating, 612th position from 759)

Fedorchenko Antony (previous in list, 139th position from 759)Artist list in alphabetic orderFedotov Vladimir (next in list, 141th position from 759)

Rating: 611

Artworks: 97

Best: 32

Pages: 7

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15.7"x11.8", 2007
Salesman of artificial flowers
#69, lithography
7.9"x7.9", 2001
Horror of war
#68, Oil
9.4"x11.8", 2002
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Do not fall down
#67, India ink
8.3"x11.8", 2004
Falling window of sky, reflecting a creature by name bird
#60, Oil
17.3"x27.6", 2005

7.9"x5.1", 2007
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11.8"x15.7", 2007
#46, India ink
12.6"x7.9", 2004
Stars, stone and trees
#44, Oil
11.8"x8.3", 2004
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11.8"x8.3", 2005
Twilights before dawn
#34, India ink
11.8"x9.4", 2004
#30, India ink
11.8"x8.3", 2004
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Illusion of immortality
#29, India ink
11.8"x8.3", 2004
Lost happiness
#28, India ink
11.8"x8.3", 2004
#27, India ink
11.8"x8.3", 2004
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Estimate the artist 12345