Estimate the artist 12345


Pirozhenko Sergius (previous in rating, 125th position from 759)Artist list in rating orderHalturin Andrey (next in rating, 127th position from 759)

Dashevskiy Oleg (previous in list, 105th position from 759)Artist list in alphabetic orderDemidenko Alexander (next in list, 107th position from 759)

Rating: 126

Artworks: 48

Best: 15

Pages: 4

Everything’s as usual. All children draw. Soon some of them cease.

Those who haven’t are sent to "Repinka" (favourite Kharkov Art School). By the way, it began on May, 15th, 1961.

Then entered the Kharkov Art and Industry Institute. Graduated in 1984.

After studying at Faculty of Industrial Art, Branch of Art Design have proved to be a good Artist – Constructor (I do not use a word "designer" intentionally to avoid any confusion with masters of mouse and monitor).

Operating exclusively with pencil, brush and composition laws, have received a couple of the state authorship certificates from the country that no longer exists.

Changes of that time have definitely affected art. Freedom! I desired freedom as well.

The only thing that gives freedom to artist is skill.

I’m grateful to destiny for possibility to study at masters of Louvre.

That’s where all the posters in size of original were brought from.

And in library old piles were found Treatises about painting.

Training proceeded by creation of copies.

The copies created with old masters technology were exhibited in the Krakow museum and were highly appreciated.

Therefore the hackneyed phrase from biographies of every artist follows: artworks can be found in private collections of Poland, Russia, Germany, England, USA.

Were invited to take part in ART-Festival in a castle near London where I participated in an exhibition and held the Master class on painting.

I love different styles in art and I choose feature of painting depending on idea of the message to the audience.

Though I don’t wear a rose-colored glasses and take life whatever it is but in my art I’m trying to depict the best of life and people I meet.

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Renewal  $prev{$lang} #1 Next renewal #2Last renewal (#30)   July, 2004. Total of renewals — 5.
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#02, canvas, oil
25.6"x44.1", 2003
#01, canvas, oil
32.9"x44.9", 2003
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Estimate the artist 12345