Estimate the artist 12345


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Rating: 233

Artworks: 17

Best: 10

Pages: 2

She was born in the picturesque place of Ukraine – Podolie.

In 1970 she has graduated from the Vinnitsa art school.

In 1982 she has graduated from the Moscow polygraphic institute.

Nina Dadochkina is a participant of many exhibitions that took place in Kyiv. The works of the artist are in private collections of Ukraine and Europe.

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 Artwork: Previous artwork: #12, Poppies 11 Next artwork: #10, Poppies
#11, canvas, oil
15.7"x19.7", 2002
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 Artwork: Previous artwork: #12, Poppies 11 Next artwork: #10, Poppies
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Estimate the artist 12345